Opportunities and Challenges: Timor-Leste Towards Full ASEAN Membership

Timor-Leste has entered a critical phase in its journey towards full membership in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). More than eight years after submitting its application, Timor-Leste is still awaiting a response to its membership. In an exclusive interview with Timor-Leste’s Foreign Minister, Dionisio Babo Soares, it was revealed that strong hopes lie behind the cooperation with ASEAN.

The Timor-Leste leadership expresses their belief that collaboration with ASEAN will bring various opportunities. As a concrete step, Timor-Leste has launched various initiatives, including a clean health law and infrastructure development. In the latest move, the ASEAN political-security and justice team has assessed Timor-Leste’s readiness, while the social and cultural team is expected to follow suit next year.

However, amidst the existing opportunities, challenges also loom. The lengthy process towards full membership requires time and perseverance. Timor-Leste must ensure that they meet ASEAN standards in health, economy, and culture. Regarding security issues, Timor-Leste is committed to actively contribute to combating cross-border crimes and ensuring regional security.

Economic opportunities are a crucial point in this debate. With the ASEAN economy reaching three point four trillion dollars, Timor-Leste can tap into this vast market. Infrastructure projects and development in the oil and gas sector in the Timor Sea serve as a capital for sustainable economic growth. Furthermore, the potential for exports and cooperation in agriculture, mining, tourism, and Timor’s unique culture adds valuable contributions.

In its effort to become a full ASEAN member, Timor-Leste also offers further collaboration with Portuguese-speaking countries. This membership is expected to open opportunities for exports or investments to Europe and African countries that share the same language.

Minister Dionisio Babo Soares concluded with the belief that Timor-Leste will not be a burden to ASEAN. On the contrary, Timor-Leste promises to actively contribute and be a valuable partner in realizing ASEAN’s vision. High hopes are also directed towards other ASEAN member states, particularly Vietnam, which is expected to welcome Timor-Leste as a new member into the ASEAN family.

With intertwined hopes and challenges, Timor-Leste is now preparing to embrace a future full of opportunities and challenges in full ASEAN membership.

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