First Semester Meeting 2024 of the National Directive Council (CDN) of CNRT Party

In a meeting held on January 27, 2024, the National Directive Council (CDN) of the CNRT Party discussed crucial agenda items related to the evaluation of post-election performance in 2023 and analyzed future prospects. This meeting is part of the semi-annual schedule, as stipulated in Article 19 Paragraph 2 letter C of the CNRT Party’s statutes.

As the third organ of the party, the CDN has direct and indirect responsibilities for the services and existence of the CNRT Party. In accordance with Article 32 Paragraph 1, the CDN regularly holds meetings every six months to discuss various matters relevant to the party’s sustainability.

This meeting served as a pivotal moment for the CDN to provide considerations and evaluations of the post-election work in 2023, as well as to detail the analysis and future prospects of the party. In order to support transparency and the participation of party members, the meeting was conducted in accordance with the rules and provisions outlined in the CNRT Party’s statutes.

Further developments related to the outcomes of this meeting will be continually communicated to party members and the public transparently. Thus, the CDN continues to play a key role in guiding the direction and sustainability of the CNRT Party.

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