CNRT Meeting: Fiscal Strengthening & Parliamentary Election Guidance

Today, the CNRT Party held a meeting on Fiscal Strengthening with the aim of evaluating the progress of the technical team’s work and preparing for the election campaign and Parliamentary Election scheduled for May 21, 2023.

During the meeting, the Secretary-General of the CNRT Party, Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, provided sharp guidance to participants regarding preparation and progress evaluation. He emphasized the importance of a smooth implementation of the election campaign and the need to evaluate projects and technical steps taken by the team.

“We must ensure that our technical team works efficiently and that every step taken aligns with the party’s goals. The Parliamentary Election on May 21, 2023, is a crucial moment, and we need to ensure that our campaign is effective and responsive to the needs of the people,” stated the Secretary-General in his address.

The meeting also served as a forum to close ranks and enhance coordination between party members and the technical team responsible for election preparation. Evaluation of specific progress was conducted to ensure that the strategies employed can yield the desired results for the party.

The CNRT Party reaffirmed its commitment to conducting the election process transparently and democratically, ensuring that the voice of the people is well-reflected in the final results of the upcoming Parliamentary Election.

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