Feliz Aniversáriu ba dala 17 Partidu CNRT: Hakerek Istória ba Progresu Nasionál

Ba membru sira no apoiantes hotu-hotu Partidu CNRT,

Feliz aniversáriu ba dala 17 Partidu CNRT! Desde nia fundasaun iha loron 27 Abril 2007, partidu ne’e hatudu dedikasaun extraordínariu iha luta ba progresu no di’ak sarani ba nasaun Timor-Leste.

Ami hakarak hato’o obrigadu boot ba servisu hardo no kompromisu ne’ebé membru hotu-hotu partidu CNRT hatudu hodi realiza vizau no misi partidu CNRT. Iha lideransa ne’ebé sabidu, ami fiar katak partidu ida ne’e sei kontinua sai hanesan pilár importante iha dezenvolvimentu nasionál no demokrasiá iha Timor-Leste.

Tomak ami hein katak partidu CNRT sei la’o ho susesu no kontínua kontribui pozitivu ba sosiedade no nasaun. Ami hein katak esforsu hotu ne’ebé halo sei fo rezultadu ne’ebé espléndidu no lori Timor-Leste ba futuru ne’ebé moos.

Sekali tan, feliz aniversáriu ba dala 17 ba Partidu CNRT! Di’ak liu atus Deus sei aben hosi ami nia viagem hamutuk.


Happy 17th Anniversary to the CNRT Party: Making History Towards National Progress

To all members and supporters of the CNRT Party,

Happy 17th anniversary to the CNRT Party! Since its establishment on April 27, 2007, the party has demonstrated remarkable dedication in striving for the progress and welfare of the Timor-Leste nation.

We extend our gratitude for the hard work and commitment shown by all party members in realizing the vision and mission of the CNRT Party. Under wise leadership, we believe that this party will continue to be a crucial pillar in national development and democracy in Timor-Leste.

May the CNRT Party continue to succeed and provide positive contributions to society and the country. We hope that all efforts made will yield outstanding results and lead Timor-Leste towards a brighter future.

Once again, happy 17th anniversary to the CNRT Party! May God always bless our journey together.


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