Timor-Leste’s Preparation for the International Art Exhibition at Biennale Venezia 2024

DILI, January 16, 2024 – Minister of Youth, Sports, Arts, and Culture, S.E. Nelyo Isaac Sarmento, held an initial meeting with the Secretary of State for Arts and Culture, S.E. Jorge Soares Cristovão, appointed by the Prime Minister, S.E. Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, as the Commissioner to lead the Timor-Leste team participating in the 60th International Art Exhibitions at the Biennale in Venice, Italy, from April 20 to November 24, 2024.

In this preliminary meeting, Commissioner S.E. Jorge Soares Cristovão introduced Mrs. Anna Schwartz and Professor Natalie King, recommended by the Prime Minister to support and accompany the Timor-Leste delegation during the event. Additionally, Dr. Maria Madeira, a Timorese artist recommended as the ideal option to represent Timorese artists at the event, was also present. Dr. Maria Madeira has participated in international art and culture exhibitions and holds a Ph.D. in art and cultural practices related to Timorese women. During the resistance period, Dr. Maria Madeira used art to express the Timorese struggle for self-determination while in refuge in Portugal.

“We are ready to support the promotion of Timor-Leste in this event,” stated Mrs. Anna Schwartz to the minister.

As a professor of art, curator, and writer, Natalie King is ready to help prepare the pavilion and Timor-Leste’s artistic products that will bring Timor-Leste’s art to the world.

During this meeting, the Minister requested the Secretary of State for Arts and Culture, who is also the Commissioner for the delegation, to form a team and identify art groups and products that will be showcased at the event.

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