NRT Secretary General, Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, Discusses Collaboration with PD

The recent general elections in Timor-Leste have raised significant questions about the country’s political future. One of the most important post-election developments is the official collaboration between the Congresso Nacional Reconstrução de Timor (CNRT) and the Partido Democrático (PD), which will form a joint government. CNRT Secretary General, Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, has made a statement that reflects CNRT’s commitment to this collaboration.

In his official statement, issued at the PD headquarters on June 5, 2023, Francisco Kalbuadi Lay clearly expressed CNRT’s willingness to work together with PD in the government. This signifies CNRT’s good intentions to establish a strong collaboration with its political partner.

The statement includes several key points that provide insights into CNRT’s vision and objectives in its collaboration with PD:

1. Willingness to Collaborate: The CNRT Secretary General strongly emphasizes CNRT’s readiness to collaborate with PD in the government. This underscores CNRT’s commitment to forming a strong partnership with its political counterpart.

2. Signing of an Official Letter: The statement notes that CNRT has delivered an official letter signed by CNRT President Kayrala Xanana Gusmão and the Secretary General. This action reflects CNRT’s formal commitment to the collaboration.

3. History of Collaboration: In his statement, Francisco Kalbuadi Lay recalls that CNRT and PD have been working together since 2007. This indicates that the collaboration is not something new but a continuation of a political relationship that has been established over several years.

4. Role of Kayrala Xanana Gusmão: The statement highlights the crucial role of Brother Kayrala Xanana Gusmão in this collaboration, referring to him as the Prime Minister. This signals a significant change in the political leadership structure of Timor-Leste.

5. Service to the People and the Nation: The statement emphasizes that the primary goal of the collaboration between CNRT and PD is to serve the people and the nation. This underscores their commitment to advancing the well-being of the people of Timor-Leste.

The statement made by CNRT’s Secretary General reiterates the importance of political stability and cooperation in governance to achieve larger development goals. The collaboration between CNRT and PD will be a key factor in determining the political direction of Timor-Leste in the coming years, and this statement serves as a strong initial step in highlighting their commitment to these efforts. In the context of the ongoing political changes in Timor-Leste, the statement reflects hope for a brighter future for the country.

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