Power Alliance: CNRT and PD Unite for Timor-Leste’s Future

In a historic move, the National Congress for Timorese Reconstruction Party (CNRT) and the Democratic Party (PD) of Timor-Leste have officially formed an alliance following the success of the general elections. In a statement issued by CNRT’s Secretary-General, Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, both parties expressed readiness to collaborate in governance, emphasizing a significant increase in seats during the elections.

On June 5, 2023, at PD’s Headquarters in Dili, Francisco Kalbuadi Lay stated, “The CNRT Party is ready to collaborate with the Democratic Party. We will work together to serve the people and the nation.” The official letter, signed by CNRT President Kayrala Xanana Gusmão and the Secretary-General, has become formal evidence of the close cooperation between the two parties.

Francisco Kabuadi explained that CNRT and PD have been working together since 2007, with CNRT becoming PD and PD becoming CNRT, and now the CNRT President will serve as the Prime Minister. This marks a historic step where Timor-Leste’s political forces unite their goals to bring about positive change for the country and its people.

The Secretary-General of the Democratic Party, Antonio da Conceição, also expressed appreciation for the positive response from CNRT. “Both parties seek change. I want to thank the CNRT Party for responding positively to our letter and their readiness to collaborate, which has been ongoing since 2007,” said Antonio da Conceição.

Previously, on May 30, 2023, PD sent a letter requesting collaboration to CNRT, and on June 5, 2023, CNRT’s leadership formally confirmed their collaboration to form a constitutional government. Both parties thanked the people of Timor Leste for the trust given, while the election results were submitted to the Appeals Court for validation, marking a step towards the formation of a new and hopeful government.

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