Estratéjia CNRT Lautem iha Dili: Ba Vitória iha Eleisaun Parlamentar

Fevereiru 05, 2023. Iha enkontru ne’ebé halao iha Dili, membru CNRT sira husi Lautem hasoru estratéjia importante atu konékte ho sira nia baze votante. Enkontru estratéjiku ne’e nia objetivu mak prepara dalan di’ak atu hetan vitória ba Partidu CNRT iha Eleisaun Parlamentar ne’ebé mai. Passu ida ne’e refleta determinasaun forte husi membru CNRT sira atu asegura katak liafuan no aspirasaun sira husi ema iha rejiaun Lautem hetan atensaun no representasaun di’ak iha nivel nasaun.

Iha enkontru ne’e, membru CNRT sira diskute aspektu estratéjiku balun, inklui dezenvolvimentu relasaun di’ak ho estrutura ba baze partidu nian. Ne’e importante hodi asegura katak mensajen no programa sira husi Partidu CNRT atinji komunidade ho justu no efikaz. Sira mos diskute estratéjia ba kampaña atu fo forsa ba prezénsia no apoiu ba partidu iha rejiaun Lautem.

Ho spirítu maka’as no determinasaun forte, membru CNRT sira iha Lautem kompromete atu servisu hamutuk atu hetan vitória iha Eleisaun Parlamentar ne’ebé mai. Ne’e passu importante iha sira nia jornada polítika, ho objetivu atu hakat liu mudansa pozitivu no representasaun di’ak ba ema iha rejiaun Lautem no iha nasaun tomak.

CNRT Lautem’s Strategy in Dili: Heading Towards Victory in the Parliamentary Election

February 05, 2023. In a meeting held in Dili, the members of CNRT from Lautem have embarked on a crucial strategy to connect with their voter base. This strategic meeting aims to prepare the right steps in order to achieve victory for the CNRT Party in the upcoming Parliamentary Election. This step reflects the strong determination of CNRT members to ensure that the voices and aspirations of the people in the Lautem region are heard and well represented at the national level.

During the meeting, CNRT members discussed various strategic aspects, including building closer relationships with the party’s grassroots structure. This is essential to ensure that the CNRT Party’s messages and programs reach the community evenly and effectively. They also discussed campaign strategies to strengthen the party’s presence and support in the Lautem region.

With high spirits and strong determination, CNRT members in Lautem are committed to working hard to achieve victory in the upcoming Parliamentary Election. This is a significant step in their political journey, aiming to bring about positive change and strong representation for the people in the Lautem region and the entire country.

#CNRT #Lautem #ParliamentaryElection #PoliticalStrategy #Victory #TimorLeste #CNRTParty #DiliMeeting #ElectionPreparation #PoliticalLeadership

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